Quota limit errors

The file's size exceeds your account's remaining disk usage quota. Because of this, you cannot upload this file. Delet some files, or contact your hosting provider to request an increase to your account's quota.

A: Usually that means your php.ini file "Max_Upload_limit needs to be increased

How to increase the upload_max_filesize in the MultiPHP INI

  1. 1. Log in to your cPanel
  2. 2. Navigate to "MultiPHP INI Editor" or Ultlize the search bar to easily search for it.
  3. 3. Select the domain that you want to modify (You must do this for each Domain/ Site you are working on.
  4. 4. Increase the following variables:
    1. A. upload_max_filesize
    2. B. post_max_size (This should be larger than or equal to upload_max_filesize)
    3. C. memory_limit (This should be larger than or equal to post_max_size)
    4. D. max_execution_time (Optional, but can prevent timeout errors for large files)
  5. 5. Click "Apply"

Please note, the maximum size for these variables is 2GB.  If you need to upload larger files, it is recommended to do this via FTP, or by other means.




  • support, quota limit, php memory
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